刹车线 (后部)

刹车线 (后部)

GuoFeng Rear Brake Cable

The rear brake cable is a brake cable connected to the back braking system of a vehicle (usually bikes, e-bikes, 踏板车, 摩托车, or even cars). The usual length and size of this brake cable depend on the vehicle type and model.

大多, the brake cable is made of stainless steel with a sleek polymer shield on the housing for smoother cable function movement. The rear brake cable set includes steel cables, cable housing, ferrules, and cable tips.

GuoFeng is a cable specialist, providing a variety of rear brake cables for different vehicles. We offer standard size & length of the rear brake cable, including custom specifications.

GuoFeng can be your reliable supplier of extensive range rear brake cables for your business.

Inquire us today!

刹车线 (后部) 特征

  • Strong & 耐用的
  • Available on wide length
  • Universal type
  • Smooth movement function
  • High corrosion-resistance
  • Long service life
Rear parking brake cable for trucks Rear brake cable for Kia Soul Rear parking brake cable for Mazda
Left/Rear parking brake cable for Hyundai Veracruz Rear brake cable for Ford Ranchero Rear parking brake cable for Chevrolet
Rear parking brake cable for Hyundai Elantra Right rear parking brake cable for Nissan Frontier Left/Right parking brake
Rear brake cable for Toyota Corolla Rear brake cable for bikes (universal) Rear brake cable for motorcycle (风俗)

*Note: The list above is not the whole list of our rear brake cable products. For any brand and vehicle units, we can manufacture them for you.


  • 型锻钢丝绳
  • 编织钢丝绳
  • 吊坠钢丝绳
  • 结构钢丝绳
  • 柔性钢丝绳


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